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TagniFi Adds Private Equity Fund Data and Search

By December 15, 2023No Comments


“For example, if you want to see every fund closed over the past year with more than $100 million in size targeting the software sector, simply add these criteria to the search and it will return your list of matching funds. ”

TagniFi Adds Private Equity Fund Data and Search

We’re excited to announce the latest addition to the TagniFi platform to help M&A advisors identify the best financial buyers for your deals – fund-level data for private equity firms. We’ve added nearly 10,000 fund-level profiles to the platform with details including the fund’s size, status, and other key details including estimated dry powder remaining.

We’re also adding this fund information to our investor profiles to show the aggregate dry powder across all funds managed by the investor. Combined with our detailed profile data including investment criteria and portfolio companies, this new fund-level data makes it simple to pre-qualify financial buyers for your deals.

In addition, we’ve added a Private Equity Fund Search to the Console to make it easy to find private equity funds by status, size, investment criteria, and investor profile field. For example, if you want to see every fund closed over the past year with more than $100 million in size targeting the software sector, simply add these criteria to the search and it will return your list of matching funds.